Brown Sugar Recipe and Tip

Monday, November 7, 2016
With all the holiday baking coming up, I thought you may enjoy this little tip. You many remember the many baking tips from last year  (if not click here for baking tips)
I don't know how many times I've started a recipe and run out of brown sugar.

Keep a bottle of molasses on hand and sugar and you will never have to run to the store again!

Light Brown Sugar 
2 tablespoons of molasses
1 cup sugar
Place in a zip lock bag and shake until evenly mixed store in the same bag!

Dark Brown Sugar
3 tablespoons molasses
1 cup sugar
Place in a zip lock bag and shake until evenly mixed store in the same bag!


Now for a tip trick! If the mixture of either one should ever get hard, place 1 or 2 slices of regular bread in the bag overnight. In the morning it will be soft and pourable again! Works like a charm!

For more tips like this one check out this page of tips and tricks for baking!  CLICK HERE