Microwave Potato Chips Recipe Plus Video

Sunday, February 26, 2012
My favorite snack with the healthiest ingredients. I made them, I know what's in them and these taste amazing, real potatoes, salt and hardly any calories. What more can you ask for with this simple recipe that takes no more than 4 minutes for a plate of them?

Microwave Potato Chips Recipe Plus Video

1 1/3 pounds Yukon Gold (these taste the best!)
 Cooking spray flavored oil,  canola, olive oil or butter flavor or use 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt 
 Some suggestions would be a teaspoon of any of these idea's mixed with oil (see above for suggested measure of oil),  cajun seasonings, butter seasonings, dry ranch dressing mixes or other Italian seasonings.  Barbecue sauce instead of oil can be substituted. Proceed with the same instructions.
Microwave Potato Chips Recipe Plus Video
 For thin slice as these are,  use a mandolin  and cut into very thin slices. Slice potatoes into 1/8-inch rounds for thick potato chips. On a oiled sprayed microwave safe plate place potatoes in a single layer on plate. Sprinkle salt on the potatoes (and/or seasonings) or toss slices in  bowl with oil and salt to coat evenly or with your preferred seasonings. 
Microwave, uncovered, on high until some slices start to get deep yellow in color around 2 minutes and then flip them (I am using a1000 watt microwave). Turn slices over carefully, these are hot so be careful not to burn yourself.  Microwave again until they start to crisp checking and turning every 40 seconds and depending on thickeness you will have to watch they do not over brown, they will brown differently this is normal.  Check frequently and keep turning that is the key to them not over browning (just like when toasting coconut and having to keep stirring you keep turning these!) Transfer chips to another plate and allow to cool completely. (They will get harder and crisp when they cool.  These do not keep more than 3 days in an airtight container but I guarantee there won't be any leftovers!   Enjoy!