Crockpot Ham and Cabbage

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
When I was growing up, ham and cabbage in the crockpot was a staple in our home.  Mom was great at making inexpensive meals that would stretch our budget for the week. This one one that fed many of us. Being Italian we always had a houseful at dinner time.

delicious ham and cabbage slow cooked

When we lived in Upstate NY,  ham and cabbage was the ultimate comfort food. It was soothing on those cold blustery days.

I just love leftovers mom knew how to make an inexpensive meal a banquet for all of us.  Often after school, my friends would stay for dinner, so she always made big pots of stews, soups and casseroles so we always had enough to feed an army!

As the years went on, I make this often. The family loves it. I always make a big pot of ham and cabbage and if I have a lot of leftovers, I freeze it for a rainy day. Don't miss trying this easy recipe of ham and cabbage, it sure hits the spot on the cold day in Upstate New York.

Crock pot Ham and Cabbage with Potatoes

Leftover Ham with bone (if it has honey or glaze on it rinse it off with cold water) pull chunks off and add to the pot along with the bone.
1 large onion optional
6 carrots cleaned and sliced or 1 cup of  finger carrots
8 potatoes, peeled and cubed
5 or 6 cut up plum tomatoes fresh or canned
2 cloves minced garlic
1 head cabbage, cut into quarters
1 can chicken broth
1/2 white wine
1/2 teaspoon each oregano, basil, garlic powder, thyme, parsley
salt and pepper to taste

I par boil the potatoes and carrots in the microwave for 5 minutes, before adding  them to the slow cooker bags for the crockpot (they are sold same place where you would buy oven roasting bags in the grocery store).  Place tomatoes on top, cabbage then ham bone and chunks last. Sprinkle with herbs cover with broth and water to just above the mixture of cabbage. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.  Put crockpot on high for at least eight hour, add more water if this absorbs too quickly.  Remove bone. Serve with crusty Italian bread broken up in the bowl... or just dunk it!
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