Glazed Fruit Tartlets with Frangelico

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pudding filled tarts, you choose your favorite, Frangelico with vanilla pudding or chocolate. How about lemon pudding? Coconut rum? What's your favorite?

You can fill these with anything you like added to the pudding, or just by making a box of chocolate pudding then add Frangelico a few tablespoons will do, Chocolate Frangelico is the favorite here. Also, another fabulous addition is coconut and rum to the vanilla pudding after its cooled. Top with fruits, or whipped cream or even meringue and chocolate, whatever you choose as your favorite. A great picnic dessert!

Make One Large One Or Mini Tarts!

We love this filled tart with this decadent pudding.

Topped with fruits it's a showstopper for any event or celebration!

Tartlet Crust:

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

1/2 cup salted butter softened

1/4 cup granulated white sugar

1 large egg, lightly beaten

crushed hazelnuts for the bottoms

Mix all together except for nuts to form a dough and refrigerate 30 minutes.

Put 1/4 teaspoon of crushed hazelnuts in greased tartlet mini pans or mini muffin cups. Add 1 tablespoon in mini tartlet pans. Shape to tin tartlet forms. Bake at 350 until edges start to brown. Cool, remove from tins on to wax paper.

When completely cool fill with desired flavored pudding, top with fruit then 1/2 cup of favorite jelly microwave 25 seconds and use glaze topping over fruit.

Frangelico Vanilla Pudding Recipe:

1 1/4 cups milk

3 large egg yolks

1/3 cup granulated white sugar

1/8 cup all-purpose flour

2 tablespoons cornstarch

1 tablespoon of Frangelico or Vanilla added last.

Blend dry ingredients in a bowl set aside. Add milk slowly beating till smooth whisk in yolks, cook till thickened add vanilla.

Cool, set aside until ready to fill a large tart or make tartlets.